Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Sean Parent wrote:
>> > [...]
>> >> Dealing with copyright and patent issues in IP is all about risk management
>> >> for a corporation and limiting their exposure. The deeper the corporate
>> >> pockets the more conservative a stance the organization will tend to take.
>> >
>> > Right.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> What Adobe looks for is that: ....
>> >
>> > Right.
>> >
>> > Public domain <> aside,
>> > you might want to take a look at:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Why? Is there something about these licenses which warrants our
>> attention more than the plethora of other open-source licenses
>> floating about? We probably can't review all of them...
> You probably can ADOPT one of them [with whatever changes you might
> want/need to add] and require all contributors to accept it for each
> and every contribution to boost. 

That's a non-answer. We could "ADOPT" (and would you please stop
shouting; I'm getting tired of having to ask) any of the plethora of
other open-source licenses that are floating about, with whatever
changes we want/need to add. What makes the IBM license more worthy of
consideration than, say, the BSD license?

And as to whether we will require that contributors adopt a central
Boost license or not, that question is still open.


                       David Abrahams
Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution

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