On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 17:12, Boris Schäling wrote:
> > How does the multiplexor know what to pass to write the second time?
> The multiplexor doesn't know but the stream does. The multiplexor calls
> stream::write() when the socket descriptor is writable. The stream calls
> ::write() and sends all data which was saved in the stream's buffer because
> of EWOULDBLOCK to the network.
> +-------------+        +--------------+   1)   +--------------+
> | multiplexor |   2)   |    stream    |<-------|   observer   |
> |             |<-------|              |        |              |
> |             |   3)   |              |        |              |
> |             |------->|              |        |              |
> +-------------+        +--------------+        +--------------+
> 1) observer calls stream::writen() to send data.
> 2) stream calls multiplexor::set_write() because of EWOULDBLOCK.
> 3) multiplexor calls stream::write() when the socket descriptor is writable.

I don't think you have considered the reentrancy issues with this.  If
on_connect calls writen and writen simulates blocking (and waits for
more than just writeable on the socket in question) then a second
on_connect (or on_read) comes in then the first on_connect cannot
complete until the second on has.

> > Does the caller have to load the 5GB file into memory before passing it
> > to the write?
> The caller may certainly write the file in chunks. Or did I misunderstand
> your question?

Now things start getting really messy.  If on_connect calls writen more
than once the second call may be delayed if the an event on a different
socket (or a read event on the same socket comes in) is processed during
the first call to writen.  You may have plenty of bandwidth but slow
client will cause a fast one to block.

writen has two possible implementations
1) Wait for just on writeable on the socket in question.  In which case
it is indistinguishable from a blocking call.
2) Wait for and process other events to and get yourself into a
reentrancy tangle.

In my opinion the only correct implementation is 1.  In which case
writen is a blocking call.

> > What if I want to send a live video stream?
> Good point. There is currently no UDP support in my library. Maybe traits
> could be used to tell the stream to discard data that couldn't be written
> immediately? I am not sure if anything else had to be changed for UDP?

This is not the problem I am concerned about.  I was trying to
illustrate the problem (as discussed above) that arises when your output
buffer is larger than the amount of information you have to write.

Hamish Mackenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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