[2003-01-19] Gennaro Prota wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 15:19:15 -0600, Rene Rivera
>>[2003-01-19] Gennaro Prota wrote:
>>>I would *love* to see boost becoming a charity-ware collection of
>What a question! Because that would mean making good deeds.

You shouldn't need Boost to do good deeds ;-)

>>>The idea is that we choose a list of associations and
>>>bodies, and set up a mechanism, through the boost site or another
>>>site, where download is possible only by making a donation to one of
>>>the associations. That would be the only condition and the software
>>>would be of course free to use, copy and modify.
>>If it's "free to use, copy and modify" isn't requiring payment
>Shrug. Ok, maybe I should be contented with just "encouraging" a
>donation :-/

The best donation, would be that of time and effort towards Boost itself.
For that matter hire Dave, his sig...

>                       David Abrahams
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.boost-consulting.com
>Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution

That should help Boost out tremendously ;-)

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
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