On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:06:10 -0600, Rene Rivera

>[2003-01-19] Gennaro Prota wrote:
>>What a question! Because that would mean making good deeds.
>You shouldn't need Boost to do good deeds ;-)


>>>>The idea is that we choose a list of associations and
>>>>bodies, and set up a mechanism, through the boost site or another
>>>>site, where download is possible only by making a donation to one of
>>>>the associations. That would be the only condition and the software
>>>>would be of course free to use, copy and modify.
>>>If it's "free to use, copy and modify" isn't requiring payment
>>Shrug. Ok, maybe I should be contented with just "encouraging" a
>>donation :-/
>The best donation, would be that of time and effort towards Boost itself.
>For that matter hire Dave, his sig...

Uh? Rene, the idea was not to donate to boost or to boost's authors.
The idea is that a donation would be a pleasant "side effect" of using
boost, just that. Companies spend thousand dollars in software. Even
for a 2-people company, like one I've worked with, spending -say- 10
dollars for a whole boost distribution is a peanuts. I guess it would
be the smallest entry in the annual balance, or maybe the one
immediately higher than the new mouse pad for the boss. The argument
about contradicting the boost purpose, raised by someone else, is
totally unwarranted as well. Boost would remain exactly the same it is
now: donation would be a "side effect". However this is not to
convince anyone, I had this idea and thought to propose it. If nobody
likes it, then it won't be adopted.


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