"Gabriel Dos Reis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [...]
> There is no formal vote about these thingies yet.

Well, I just wanted to know what the most popular opinion was,
and you give some interesting info here.

> [...]
>     template<typename T>
>        Vec = std::vector<T, MyAlloc<T> >;

This looks cool!  Is someone going to write a proposal for this before
April?  Or does this type of change not get considered at that time?

> [...]
> Oh well, I believe we're very far from any actual definitive form of
> "template typedef" or "template aliasing".

Well, I thought Herb's proposal was more or less "definitive".  Is that
not what's likely to be presented to the committee?  If we got template
aliasing as you describe above, then Herb's proposal is just fine with


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