Dave Abrahams said:

>> Hmm... that would be
>> an interesting alternative implementation.  I'm not sure it's as
>> "obvious" as the syntax I suggested
> Sorry, IMO there's nothing "obvious" about your syntax.  It looks
> cumbersome and low-level to me.  Let me suggest some other syntaxes for
> async_result, though:
>     async_call<double> later(foo, a, b, c)
> or, if you don't want to duplicate the multi-arg treatment of bind(),
> just:
>     async_call<double> later(bind(foo, a, b, c));
>     ...
>     ...
>     double d = later(); // call it to get the result out.

The two things that come to mind for me with this suggestion are:

1) You've explicitly tied the result into the call.  I chose the other
design because the result is just that, only a result.  An asynchronous
call can be bound to this result more than once.

2) You're still hiding the thread creation.  This is a mistake to me for
two reasons.  First, it's not as obvious that a thread is being created
here (though the new names help a lot).  Second, and this is more
important, you've bound this concept to boost::thread explicitly.  With
the fully seperated concerns of my proposal, async_result can be used with
other asynchronous call mechanisms, such as the coming boost::thread_pool.

   asyc_result<double> res1, res2;
   thread_pool pool;
   pool.dispatch(bind(res1.call(foo), a, b, c));
   pool.dispatch(bind(res2.call(foo), d, e, f));
   d = res1.value() + res2.value();

> I like the first one better, but could understand why you'd want to go
> with the second one.  This is easily implemented on top of the existing
> Boost.Threads interface.  Probably any of my suggestions is.

Yes, all of the suggestions which don't directly modify boost::thread are
easily implemented on top of the existing interface.

>> as evidenced by the questions I've raised here,
> Can't argue with user confusion I guess ;-)
>> but worth considering.  Not sure I care for "spawn(foo)(a, b, c)"
>> though. I personally still prefer explicit usage of Boost.Bind or some
>> other binding/lambda library.  But if you want to "hide" the binding,
>> why not just "spawn(foo, a, b, c)"?
> Mostly agree; it's just that interfaces like that tend to obscure which
> is the function and which is the argument list.

OK.  That's never bothered me, though, and is not the syntax used by
boost::bind, so I find it less appealing.

>> > This approach doesn't get the asynchronous call wound up with the
>> meaning of the "thread" concept.
>> If I fully understand it, yes it does, but too a lesser extent.  What
>> I mean by this is that the async_result hides the created thread
>> (though you do get access to it through the res.thread() syntax).
> That's what we mean by the terms "high-level" and "encapsulation" ;-)

Yes, but encapsulation shouldn't hide the implementation to the point that
users aren't aware of what the operations actually are. ;)

But I'll admit that some of my own initial confusion on this particular
case probably stem from having my brain focused on implementation details.

>> I found this
>> surprising enough to require careful thought about the FULL example
>> you posted to understand this.
> Like I said, I can't argue with user confusion.  Does the name
> "async_call" help?

Certainly... but leads to the problems I addresed above.  There's likely a
design that will satisfy all concerns, however, that's not been given yet.

William E. Kempf

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