"Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> That's the general idea.  Of course we can haggle over the syntactic
>> details, but the main question is whether you can get a return value
>> from invoking a thread function or whether you have to declare some
>> "global" state and ask the thread function to modify it.
> With the above AsyncCall:
> async_call<int> f( bind(g, 1, 2) ); // can offer syntactic sugar here
> thread t(f); // or thread(f); for extra cuteness
> int r = f.result();
> The alternative seems to be
> async_call<int> f( bind(g, 1, 2) );
> int r = f.result();
> but now f is tied to boost::thread. A helper
> int r = async(g, 1, 2);

Another alternative might allow all of the following:

    async_call<int> f(create_thread(), bind(g,1,2));
    int r = f();

    async_call<int> f(thread_pool(), bind(g,1,2));
    int r = f();

    int r = async_call<int>(create_thread(), bind(g, 1, 2));

    int r = async(boost::thread(), g, 1, 2);

    int r = async_call<int>(rpc(some_machine), bind(g,1,2));

    int r = async_call<int>(my_message_queue, bind(g,1,2));

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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