At 11:38 AM 2/12/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:
>[2003-02-11] Beman Dawes wrote:
>>At 09:01 AM 2/10/2003, Toon Knapen wrote:
>> >I think the traffic-light colors should suffice. I find adding black
>> >confusing.
>>I agree. The traffic-light metaphor falls apart when you add black.
>Yea, but black is used in the regresion tests themselves. How does it not
>fall appart there?
>Do we just get rid of black, and the 48 hour test become green? Or is there
>some better way to show age?

SourceForge CVS browsing used a scheme where recent commits are reported as "n hours", less recent as "n days", still less recent as "n weeks", and really old files as "n months".

One the release happens, there will be a set of tests for 1_30_0 which will grow old, yet there is nothing wrong with that. I'm wondering if the hour/day/week/month scheme would work better, particularly for those release tests?


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