At 11:21 PM 2/15/2003, Carl Daniel wrote:

>"Beman Dawes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> This morning's Win32 regression tests have been posted. Looking at the
>> diff,,
>> there are still some worries:
>An aside -
>Since 1.30.0 will likely be the Boost version when MSVC 7.1 ("Everett")
>ships, it would be nice to have VC7.1 regression results. I can
>understand perhaps not posting 7.1 results until the RTM version is
>available, but is anyone even running the regression tests on the "final
>beta" (build 2292) or "RC1" (build 2346) versions regularly?

I considered that briefly, but decided not to pursue it for several reasons.

The Win32 regression testing is already sucking up too much of my time and my computer's time. Every added compiler makes that worse. And changing the setup so close to the Boost release doesn't seem smart to me. The Boost policy not to test betas is probably a good one, too.

I'll add VC++ 7.1 as soon as possible once I get a release copy, but have no idea when that will be.

However, if you wanted to start running VC++ 7.1 regression tests now, and posting them as a separate set of tables, that would be fine with me.


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