At 11:21 PM 2/15/2003, Carl Daniel wrote:

>"Beman Dawes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> This morning's Win32 regression tests have been posted. Looking at the
>> diff,,
>> there are still some worries:
>An aside -
>Since 1.30.0 will likely be the Boost version when MSVC 7.1 ("Everett")
>ships, it would be nice to have VC7.1 regression results. I can
>understand perhaps not posting 7.1 results until the RTM version is
>available, but is anyone even running the regression tests on the "final
>beta" (build 2292) or "RC1" (build 2346) versions regularly?

Curiosity got the better of me, and I did an experimental run on build 2292.

Looks pretty good. A vast improvement over prior releases. Problems noted:

* Missing overloads for long long.
* boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp line 153 giving it fits.
* A few other scattered failures on code working for other compilers.

I'm not going to post the results; no point in worrying about workarounds until we see what the actual shipped version does.


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