Greg Colvin wrote:
> Any thoughts on this issue?
>> From: Steve Clamage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: C++ core language mailing list
>> Message c++std-core-9820
>> Some compilers implement thread-local storage (TLS) for what would
>> otherwise be global variables. The compiler and runtime system
>> arrange for each thread to see its own copy of a global variable.
>> Should the address of such a variable be allowed as a non-type
>> template parameter?  For example, this code is OK:
>>        extern int k;
>>        template< int* V > class C { ... };
>>        C<&k> ck;
>> But what if k is designated thread-local?  The actual variable
>> referred to by the address of k will differ among threads.

Looks like a no-brainer, &k can't be a compile-time constant if k is


void f()
    C<&k> ck;


void f()
    typedef C<&k> ck_type;
    ck_type ck;


typedef C<&k> ck_type;

void f()
    ck_type ck;

The type of ck cannot depend on the thread that is executing f.

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