At 05:58 PM 3/5/2003, Robert Klarer wrote:

>There's already been some discussion of this library under the thread
>"Proposal: strings as template parameters," but static_string hasn't
>been the subject of its own thread, so I'm starting this one.  I'd like
>to solicit opinions about this project.  Is it worthwhile?
>The purpose of the static_string library is to offer an alternative to
>string literals and the standard type const std::string.  A
>static_string uses no dynamically allocated memory, and is more
>efficient at execution time than either string literals or

Yes, agreed. That would be useful. IIRC, the C++ committee's performance working groups has talked about such a string in the past.


>The syntax for declaring a static_string is unfortunate...
>  boost::static_string<'s', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'c', '_'> StrType1;

Unfortunate? Is that one of those understatement jokes Canadians are known for? I'd say it is way worse that "unfortunate" - it is ugly and error prone.

Lack of internationalization support is also a serious concern.

There are questions that come to mind:

* Can you come up with a small, workable language extension that eases those problems?

* Can you come up with an alternate design that gives up a tiny bit of efficiency (one pointer indirection perhaps) but then allows reasonable construction and internationalization?



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