> Well, it was my intention then to probe the Boost community for interest
> in the library, and my impression was it raised little impetus. 

Ok, well I would be interested in seeing this in boost.  A
project I am working on would have benefited from a birectional
map and it seems like a pretty handy bit of infrastructure for
solving some basic problems like mapping strings to ints and back. 
Perhaps others will speak up now...

> I guess I can try again. For easy access the code is now in the Files
> section, in the folder bimap, as well as a pointer to the docs in 
> CodeProject. The library is not boostified, but I feel I should 
> only carry out that work if people here likes the library. I do 

This is wise as it is a non-trivial bit of work...

> no visit this site so often, so please someone correct me is
> this is not the way to go -- I guess some sort of pre-acceptance is
> required, since the Files section is crowded with stuff and presumably 
> not all of it will make it into Boost.

I presume you have read this page?


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