Daniel Frey wrote:
> I'd also be interested in a 'set' of 'tuples' with a user-defined set of
> 'views', where a view has its own sort-criterion and its own iterators,
> find-functions, etc. At least this is what I imagine but I haven't
> worked on it, so I don't know whether it's a realistic approach.
> Regards, Daniel
> PS: And yes, *if* you need them, you really *need* them.

Why was I thinking "bi-directional graph"?

Anyway, I would also love to see something like that (now that I realize
what you were talking about).
Maybe more along the lines of the more generalized cases that people are
saying.  I believe that in the past, I've wanted to have 2 different
keys for the same data... A bi-directional map seems like it would be a
good specialization to have since like a map, a bi-directional map seems
like it would be a more common case.  I wouldn't want to stop at just a
bi-directional map though.

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