On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:38:49 -0500, David Abrahams

>David Abrahams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Damn, maybe I need to update more/error_handling.html 

Just some notes:

- "Don't embed a std::string object or any other data member or base
class whose copy constructor could throw an exception. That could lead
to termination during stack unwinding."

I think you meant *before* (any) stack unwinding (unless you are
thinking to catch by value, but that's highly unlikely)

- "Similarly, it's a bad idea to use a base or member whose ordinary
constructor might throw, because, though not fatal, you will report a
different exception"

Of course it *may* be fatal as well; it's just /not necessarily/ so.
It may not lead you straight to terminate (if you have a handler for
the different exception) but can in practice put the program in a
disastrous state.


- In section "What About Programmer Errors?" there's a little typo:
"neccessary" (two 'C's)

- at the beginning of the paper, there's a link to 'Generic
Programming, Proc. of a Dagstuhl Seminar...' I was about to report the
error in the "date" (1766) :-) Maybe it would be better to write
"Volume 1766"?


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