"Andreas Huber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with anything else than MS
> compilers. I will try to port to gcc, but I'll probably need help for
> not-so-conforming compilers like Borland.

I'll port to borland, but i'm not exprert in gcc build system.
For gcc better ask somebody else.

> > 2. I think that nice thing about state machine is
> >     that you can remove its actual states from interface.
> >     I mean : "is it conceptually good idea to pass initial
> >     inner state as a template parameter ?"
> Hmmm, I never liked it that much myself but I was forced to design it this
> way due to some constraints of an earlier design. Now that you mention it, I
> think it should be possible to specify the inner initial state with the
> initiate() function, which could be called as follows:
> Pump.hpp:
> class Pump : public fsm::state_machine< Pump >
> {
>   public:
>     void Start();
> };
> Pump.cpp:
> struct Idle : public fsm::simple_state< Idle, Pump >
> void Pump::Start()
> {
>   initiate< Idle >(); // ***** here *****
> }
> Did you have something like this in mind?


> > 3. Why we need state_machine class, wouldn't it
> >     better to have a single "state" class for
> >     both state & state_machine.
> >     IMO state_machine is just state, which can't be
> >     changed and which doesn't have outer state.
> >     Am i wrong ?
> The state_machine and simple_state templates have quite differing interfaces
> and implementation so I'm not sure what that would buy you. Of course, it
> would be a simple matter to automatically make a state without an outer
> state derive from state_machine behind the scenes but I believe that would
> confuse people more than anything else. A state machine handles states and
> queues events while a state is not much more than an identifier.

I do not aree on confuse, but agree on slightly different functionality
(event queue ... ), now i can see state_machine class as facade-decorator
for a "state-stack".

> > 4. Is it possible to use inherited events?
> > ...
> No, not exactly as you are suggesting. Although you can derive events from
> each other to write common code only once, you must always pass the most
> derived type to the fsm::event class template:
> template< class MostDerived >
> class MouseEvent : public fsm::event< MostDerived >
> {
>   /* common mouse event code */
> };
> class MouseUpEvent : public MouseEvent< MouseUpEvent > {};
> class MouseDownEvent : public MouseEvent< MouseDownEvent > {};
> The best approximation of what you want to do is the following:
> struct Idle : public fsm::simple_state< Idle, Whatever, mpl::list<
>   fsm::custom_reaction< MouseUpEvent >,
>   fsm::custom_reaction< MouseDownEvent > > >
> {
>   template< class MostDerived >
>   fsm::result react( const MouseEvent< MostDerived > & ) { /* ... */ }
> };
> That is, you can write one react member function for all mouse events but
> you have to explicitly mention all most derived classes in the reaction
> list.
> I did consider polymorphic events but I wasn't able to make double dispatch
> work *automatically* (i.e. without requiring the user to write parts of the
> dispatch code themselves).
> I personally need polymorphic events only very rarely. Whenever I did, I was
> always able to change event granularity so that the need would go away. In
> your case that would mean to get rid of MouseUpEvent and MouseDownEvent
> alltogether and add the information to MouseEvent:
> struct MouseEvent : public fsm::event< MouseEvent >
> {
>   enum ButtonMode { Up, Down };
>   ButtonMode mode_;
> };
> In reactions where you need to discriminate on Up/Down you simply use a
> guard.
> Does the library/code generator you're currently using work with
> polymorphic events? Is not having polymorphic events a showstopper for you?
> If yes, I would be interested in a as-real-world-as-possible example.

The more i'm thinking on polymorphic events with respect to FSM
the more complicated it looks to me. I'm using them for wrapping
windows events, but now i'm not sure if this is good idea.
Tell you more later ...

> > 5. Is it possible to inherit state machines:
> >     some states replaced, some removed ... ?
> Unfortunately not. I believe that is only practicable with a code generator.
> > 6. Is there any way to get rid of "Acyclic Visitor".
> >     Some dispatch policies ... ?
> >     Hope this question isn't too annoying :)
> boost::fsm no longer uses acyclic visitor! The current double dispatch
> implementation (which was inspired by Aleksey's fsm lib) uses one virtual
> call followed by a linear search for a suitable reaction, using one RTTI
> comparison per visited reaction. Although you cannot change the double
> dispatch implementation itself, you can change one aspect of it, i.e. RTTI.
> The BitMachine example shows how to replace native C++ RTTI with integers.
> I think only acyclic visitor and the above implementation fit the
> scalability requirements as documented in the rationale. While it should be
> possible to abstract them in a policy I think that effort would be a waste
> of time because the current approach is better in *all* aspects!

Wow! thanks.



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