Edward Diener wrote:

> I was able to log on to the Boost CVS repository, but I have no idea how to
> display the file structure in WinCVS. Is there a way to do this or am I
> supposed to issue CVS commands and look into a command line window to see
> what is there ?

OK, copy/pasting from the web-site:

Type the following into the Admin | Command Line box

    cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/boost login 
Now you are logged in.  I think this is all you have done so far?

Next you must enter the second line, which is a second request to Admin
| Command Line (don't worry, this is the same session as before)

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/boost co

modulename is the name of the folder on your PC where you want to check
out the boost repository to.

This will take some time!!

After that, you should be able to see the boost sources in a
directory-structure within WinCVS.  Folders under CVS control will have
a check mark inside the icon.

To update in the future, simply right click on the highest-level folder
you want to update (usually 'boost') and select 'Update Selection' from
the menu.  This will merge any changes that have been committed since
your last update.


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