Dear Sir or Madam,

As I beginner of using Boost, I have one stupid question here.

I installed Boost_1_30_0 into my Unix machine(Sun Solaris), and then go to
Boost_1_30_0/tools/build/jam_src/bin.solaris, type in "sh ./" and
return. What I got is as below:

./ whence: not found
./ whence: not found
### Using 'gcc' toolset.
rm -rf bootstrap.gcc
mkdir bootstrap.gcc
gcc -o bootstrap.gcc/jam0 command.c compile.c execnt.c execunix.c
execvms.c expand.c filent.c fileos2.c fileunix.c filevms.c glob.c hash.c
hdrmacro.c headers.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c make.c make1.c
newstr.c option.c parse.c pathunix.c pathvms.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c
search.c subst.c timestamp.c variable.c modules.c strings.c filesys.c
builtins.c pwd.c
./bootstrap.gcc/jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=gcc --toolset-root=
...found 44 targets...

Then I went to /boost_1_30_0/ and typed in
./tools/build/jam_src/bin.solaris/bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" and return. After a
large amount of info showing on screen, there is

...failed updating 55 targets...
...skipped 21 targets...
...updated 1 target...

I did any step wrong?

And I can't compile example cpp file under graph library. I guess I may
ignore some key points. Your comments and suggestions are highly welcome
and appreciated.

Best Wishes,

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