At 01:27 PM 6/25/2003, Paul Mensonides wrote:

>> * Boost developers; if there are aspects of the license that make you
>> hesitate about adopting it, what are the issues?
>It looks fine to me Beman.  Is this license (once it is completely
>ironed out) supposed to go in each file?

The license is worded so that it works either in each file or separately.

My preference is for there to be a single license file in the boost root directory, and each file covered include a link. So a source code file might contain something like:

//  (C) Jane Programmer, 2003
//   See for license terms and conditions
//   See for documentation

I'm not sure everyone agrees with that approach - part of the reason for discussion is to finalize that.

The exact wording of the "See ... for license ..." is yet to be decided. We will follow the lawyers advice, in any case.

>  If so, where do you put the
>credentials for who created what?  Or do we leave that out altogether?

Each file still needs to carry a copyright, as in the past.

I probably should have mentioned that Diane Cabell and her helpers see several additional legal issues Boost should deal with in addition to the license. One of those has to do with legal aspects of "who created what". But while those issues are starting to come into focus, they are not ready for full discussion yet.


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