| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rene Rivera
| Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:26 PM
| To: Boost mailing list
| Subject: Re: [boost] Draft of new Boost Software License
| Spanish is my first, but English is a very close second.

| The impression I got is that it's somewhat hard to parse as it is.
| The second paragraph is long; and without any separators other than the commas
| hard to read.
| Here's an edited version which might be better for non-english readers to
| understand:
| ~~~~
| Permission is hereby granted ...
| all derivative works of the Software. Unless such copies or derivative works
| are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by a
| source language processor.

As someone whose first language really is english - unlike the majority of
ex-colonial Boosters :-))

I really must protest that the last 'sentence' isn't one!

Seriously, overall I think this is excellent.

It isn't meant to be read by human beings, only lawyers - and they are used to
this stuff.


//  (C) Jane Programmer, 2003
//   See www.boost.org/license for license terms and conditions
//   See www.boost.org/libs/janes-lib for documentation

Looks fine to me, though I prefer "Copyright" to (C)


Paul A Bristow, Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB  UK
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