Beman Dawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 01:26 PM 6/27/2003, Alisdair Meredith wrote:
>  >Plus, not all PCs with Boost distributions are going to have Internet
>  >connections.  In these cases you really do need to include the license
>  >with the distribution.  [Especially as you are binding distribution of
>  >the license as a requirement (in appropriate circumstances)]
> Yes, the link should certainly reference the license included in the
> distribution. But there needs to be a backup link to the web site so
> if the file gets separated from the distribution, there is still a way
> to reach the license, docs, etc.

This is starting to get complicated.  I wonder if separating the
license from the source is really worth it.  What's the upside?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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