At 07:35 AM 6/26/2003, Matt Hurd wrote:

>"Is my work a derivate work?", I guess is the gist of the question. How
>do you firewall it?  Does a contract with a third party need to address
>the boundary of boost code (which maybe modified and embedded or not)
>and the proprietary code.

Serious answers to those questions are way too complex for an email reply. I'm not qualified in any case. Your best bet is to buy a book on the topic. Perhaps "Copyright Your Software" by Stephen Fishman. See

(I haven't read it. I've got an older book, How to Copyright Software" by MJ Salone, from the same publisher, but it is now out-of-print. It is available used on Amazon.)

>If I have the desire to license source code, which uses boost code, to a
>third party, on the basis that my code may not be redistributed then
>this statement confuses the issue if I am a derivative work.
>For example, I build a risk system for an asset manager.  I use some
>boost, perhaps modified.  I include the license as required... and I get
>confused trying to separate the consequences in a contract with the
>third party.  I had one such messy contract that took over a year to
>resolve to mutual agreement :-(
>Perhaps this is a non issue as the issue may exist for alternative

I think other licenses have the same problem. I ran into it years before Boost, and solved it by keeping the open-source code clearly separated from the proprietary (and actually delivered on separate disks, to emphasize the difference.) The proprietary code used the open-source code, but was not derived from the open-source code. Use is one thing, derivation is another.
>PS: does #include <boost/any_old_header.hpp> make you a derived work?

No. That is use, but not derivation. But if instead of #include, you pasted in a legally significant portion of <boost/any_old_header.hpp>, that would make your program a derived work. Note that if you pasted in code from several sources, your code might become a derived work of each of those sources.



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