"Beman Dawes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks to Dave Abrahams, Diane Cabell, Devin Smith, and Eva Chen, we now
> have a pretty close to final draft of a new Boost Software License.
Congratulations! Excelent work!!

> * Boosters for whom English isn't their primary language; is the license
> understandable?
I'm from Argentina so Spanish if my first language.
I had no problem at all reading and understanding the license,
though I've trained myself at reading licenses way ago,
just to make sure I don't infringe copyrights while using
Open Source/Free code.

> * Boosters (or their lawyers) from countries other than the US; do they
> spot any issues missed by Boost's US-centric legal team?
None that I can tell.

> * Boost developers; if there are aspects of the license that make you
> hesitate about adopting it, what are the issues?
I'd like to see the issue of the coverage of the term "Software" resolved.

Motivated by A. Terekhov concerns, I think the license should, if at all
possible, expressely PROHIBIT anyone, including the copyright holder,
from patenting the covered Software and any implied intellectual production.

Just my 0.02...

BTW, make sure to express our gratitude to those lawers for their time and
great work!!

Fernando Cacciola

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