Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
Martin Wille writes:

I'll run the tests for Linux and upload them as Linux-rc-1.30.0.
They should be available in a few hours.

Can you arrange the html so that it shows regressions from the 1.30.0 release results?

Hmm, I'd have to find out how I would do that. Is there already some support for showing diffs between two versions of the test result tables?

For the new regression report format, yes. For instance, here's the
CVS main trunk report against the 1.30.0 tarball -

If you are interested in producing these, we will provide you with
the scripts. You'd need an XSLT processor and Python, but beside
that it's as simple as running a Python script after the regression

Hmm, why don't you add those scripts to the tools/regression section of the CVS?

If there isn't such a thing I would try to implement something that
reads two tables and marks the differences. That would take a day
or two, I guess.

Please, don't! If you have the prerequisits installed, setting up a step
to produce the new-format reports should take about 15 minutes, and they
are way much more informative.

I've got Python and OpenJade installed. So, I'm ready to run your

Regards, m

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