On Tuesday, Jul 29, 2003, at 16:24 America/Denver, Bohdan wrote:
"Brock Peabody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

On Tuesday, Jul 29, 2003, at 12:25 America/Denver, Brock Peabody wrote:
I don't think custom resource files would be any easier to edit that
inline C++ code.  I think they would be much less easy to edit and

It's been a few years, but the last time I was writing a GUI application
for an international market the shops in Japan, Korea, and Ireland that
we paid to localize the application required platform-native resource
files as their starting point. Neither custom resources nor C++ code
would have been acceptable. And before that, when I was at XVT, we put
a lot of work into supporting native resource files in our portable GUI

It might not be too hard to make the GUI objects 'serialize' themselves
into a native resource file but this would be useless without something
to convert a resource file back into C++ code. Something like this
could be written on top of a pure C++ solution with the help of a
serialization library.

Sure, but this can be kind of simple c++ or even c code.
Alternatively very important is possibility to load resources in runtime,
possibly this can help to solve localization issues.

For this kind of localization loading the localized resources at runtime is essential. Regenerating C++ code and rebuilding the application is not an option.

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