> Even if the implementation is parameterized by a
> traits or other class,
> we could still use a non template class in the
> implementation to reduce
> compile times, which is what I though the original
> poster was trying to
> say.
> template <... typename ImplTraits> class
> some_edit_class :
> edit_control_wrapper {};

Sorry, I don't understand how will this code reduce
the compile time?

> Also, I wonder if we can delay specifying the
> traits.  It might be nice
> to not have to mention it everywhere.  

It'd be nice but how can you do that?  The only way I
can see is using a default template parameter.

template<typename ImplTraits = DEFAULT_GUI_IMPL>
class window;

#define DEFAULT_GUI_IMPL XWinTraits

  window win;   //X window

  //switching the default GUI platform

  #define DEFAULT_GUI_IMPL Win32Traits

  window win;  //Win32 window

> or to translate into the GUI library I've put up
> (have any of you looked
> at the example code yet?):

I'd like to look at it.  Where is it? You mentioned
some yahoo thing. What is it?


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