At 12:55 PM 8/6/2003, Russell Hind wrote:
>Beman Dawes wrote:
>> I'd like to be sure that some Booster signs up for this beta and starts

>> running the Boost regression tests against it. And then follows up with

>> bug reports to Borland as needed. Any bugs fixed in the compiler before

>> it ships are bugs Boosters don't have to cope with later.
>> Any volunteers:-?
>I've signed up, but don't know when we will here if we've been accepted
>or not.  If I am, I'd be happy to take on the regression test role for
>BCB (and submit bugs etc)

Good. If for some reason they don't accept you, let me know privately and I'll email their rep on the C++ committee (who has been supportive of Boost in the past.)

In the meantime, you might want to try running the regression tests using any compiler you have at hand. While we are doing much better with docs, etc., running the tests still take a bit of getting used to.


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