John Maddock wrote:

I'm wondering how complicated to make this - one option would be to do something a little like the config system does and have:


// code...


Some of those warnings can get pretty pesky at times

Yes, and it is nice to get rid of them, but they may end up being library specific. e.g. date_time causes tag used before definition but does that mean its worth disabling that for all boost headers in BCB?

Does adding codeguard info break the ABI? I didn't think it did so (there are no codeguard protected std libraries for example), and I mix and match codeguard and non-codeguard code all the time without any apparent issues...

Not sure, I just put it in to play safe. If you've had no issues with it, then I guess not. Providing they share the same RTL (which they should) or memory is allocated and deleted by the same RTL, then it shouldn't affect CodeGuard.

I'm slightly tied up this week, but I'll try and add something to regex and see how it looks.

I'm not sure how to proceed with this so if there is anything I can do in the meantime, let me know. Feel free to e-mail me off the list.



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