Brock Peabody wrote:
> That's a cool idea.  It's a lot prettier than using the preprocessor.

Thanks, Brock.

> Does anyone know whether or not a language solution is being
> considered
> for this or variable class template arguments?

It would be valueable for expressions only, not declarator lists.  But in
general those infinite parameters function instanciations happens mostly for
function overloading.


>> int main()
>> {
>>  foo((infinite::begin, true, (char *) "adasd", 12367, 127.2));
>> }

The previous syntax or the following by using a px() helper which would
generate another type:

template <typename T>
    struct p_t
        T const & t;


template <typename T>
    p_t<T> px(T const & p)
        return p_t<T>(p);

template <...>
    infinite< V, infinite<T, U> > operator , (infinite<T, U> const & u,
p_t<V> const & p)
        return infinite< V, infinite<T, U> >(u, p.t);


int main()
    foo((px(true), px((char *) "adasd"), px(12367), px(127.2)));

My 0,03$


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