"Victor A. Wagner, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > also, I node that IF there are both fail and unexpected pass occur in
>> > a test it is summarized as fail
>> >
>> http://www.meta-comm.com/engineering/resources/cs-win32_metacomm/developer_result_page.html#numeric/interval
>>That would seem to be perfectly appropriate.  What do you think it
>>*should* do?
> perhaps an indicator of some sort.  It's almost as important to know
> that you system accepts things that are NOT legal as that it rejects
> things that are illegal.

That's not what "unexpected pass" means AFAIK.  IIUC it means that you
labelled a particular test as "expected to fail on this compiler"
usually due to compiler bugs, but it started working, usually due to
improved support from lower-level libraries.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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