Beman Dawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In discussions about being able to specify a function to check the
> validity of path element names, a simple function pointer has been
> used:
>    typedef bool (*name_check)( const std::string & name );
> Alternately, boost::function could be used. The boost::function docs
> mention several advantages over function pointers; the advantage that
> might particularly apply is that:
> "Boost.Function allows arbitrary compatible function objects to be
> targets (instead of requiring an exact function signature)."
> That can be a really powerful advantage in some applications, but
> usage of name checking in boost::filesystem seems likely to be limited
> to very simple cases where plain function pointers will do just
> fine. I'd also like to avoid the dependency on an additional library,
> since Boost regression test reporting breaks if
> boost::filesystem::path breaks.
> So unless someone comes forward with a killer argument, a simple
> function pointer will be used.
> Comments?

FWIW, Boost.Function is overkill for many simple cases.  This might
be a case where the FS library should just provide a class with a
virtual function:

        struct checker
             virtual ~checker() {}
             virtual bool operator()( std string const& ) = 0;
             shared_ptr<checker> next; // suggested.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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