"Peter Dimov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> FWIW, Boost.Function is overkill for many simple cases.  This might
>> be a case where the FS library should just provide a class with a
>> virtual function:
>>         struct checker
>>         {
>>              virtual ~checker() {}
>>              virtual bool operator()( std string const& ) = 0;
>>              shared_ptr<checker> next; // suggested.
>>         };
> Boost.Function makes things simpler for the user.
> enum check_type { check_posix, check_windows, ... };
> bool my_name_checker(std::string const & s, check_type t);
> Compare
> bind(my_name_checker, _1, check_posix)
> against


So I left out a few bits:

        struct checker_impl_base
             virtual ~checker() {}
             virtual bool operator()( std string const& ) const = 0;
        template <class F>
        struct checker_impl : checker_impl_base
             checker_impl(F const& f)
               : m_f(f) {}
             bool operator()( std string const& s ) const
                return m_f(s);

        struct checker
             template <class F>
             checker(F const& f)
               : m_impl(new checker_impl<F>(f))

             bool operator()( std string const& s ) const
                return (*m_impl)(s);

             shared_ptr<checker_impl_base> m_impl;
             shared_ptr<checker_impl_base> m_next; // suggested.

Still smaller (and probably a little more portable) than

> It is still possible to substitute a homegrown function<bool(string)> (or
> function<bool(char const *)>) equivalent for portability reasons, of
> course.

I guess that's done now?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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