I'm trying to use the CPAN shell to fetch and build a package,
but not having any luck. What am I doing wrong, and how do
I reconfigure my system to do it right?

cpan> make DBI
Running make for module DBI
Running make for T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.32.tar.gz
Issuing "/usr/bin/ftp -n"
/usr/bin/ftp: No address associated with nodename
Not connected.
Local directory now /Users/rnewman/.cpan/sources/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Not connected.
Bad luck... Still failed!
Can't access URL ftp://ftp.perl.org/pub/CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.32.tar.gz.

Fetching with LWP:
LWP failed with code[500] message[LWP::Protocol::MyFTP: Bad hostname 'ftp.perl.org']
Fetching with Net::FTP:
Please check, if the URLs I found in your configuration file () are valid.
The urllist can be edited. E.g. with 'o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/'

Could not fetch authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.32.tar.gz
Giving up on '/Users/rnewman/.cpan/sources/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.32.tar.gz'
Note: Current database in memory was generated on Wed, 15 Jan 2003 07:18:13 GMT

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