From: "Wizard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 08:50:52 -0500

   Why isn't this working (I'm know that I've used it before):
   #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

   my $string = "This is a PERL_FDATA_tieval for testing";
   my $tieval = "String";

   # $string =~ s/PERL_FDATA_([a-zA-Z]+)/$$1/i;
   $string =~ s/PERL_FDATA_([a-zA-Z]+)//i;
   print "\$$1 = $$1\n\$tieval = $tieval\n";
   # print "$string\n"

   I am trying to replace the 'PERL_FDATA_tieval' with the value for $tieval,
   but although the $1 appears to interpolate correctly, the $$1 doesn't. I've
   ${ "$1" }

Isn't this because you've declared it using "my $tieval"?  Or is it
refusing to do this indirection because of taint checking?

                                        -- Bob Rogers
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