On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 09:08  AM, Bob Rogers wrote:
Isn't this because you've declared it using "my $tieval"?  Or is it
refusing to do this indirection because of taint checking?
the taint checking isn't the problem; the "my" variables are.
"my" variables aren't in the symbol table, so you can't address
them using symbolic references.

Does the program work properly if you change it to this?

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use vars qw($string $tieval);

$string = "This is a PERL_FDATA_tieval for testing";
$tieval = "String";

# $string =~ s/PERL_FDATA_([a-zA-Z]+)/$$1/i;
$string =~ s/PERL_FDATA_([a-zA-Z]+)//i;
print "\$$1 = $$1\n\$tieval = $tieval\n";
# print "$string\n"

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