On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 06:27:15PM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
> >>>>> "BR" == Bob Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   BR>    I would like to point out that your code can be improved by replacing
>   BR>    uses of $& and $` with parentheses in the regexes followed by $1 and
>   BR>    $2.  This is from the Devel::SawAmpersand doc . . .
>   BR> I was unaware of this issue; thanks for bringing it to my attention.
>   BR> But Devel::SawAmpersand doesn't really explain the problem in any kind
>   BR> of depth, and just talks about "massive in-memory copying."  So,
>   BR> presumably, this is just a question of efficiency?
> the problem only happens with s///. if you use $&, then all uses of s///
> must do a full copy of the original string in case parts of it are
> referred to by $& (and friends). the s/// could change the string and so
> a copy must be made. this is true for all instances of s/// in your
> program. if you use parens then only those instances will need extra
> copies.

Just to clarify, there is a problem with any code that does anything
to any of the three variables, if that code is intended for use in
programs that may use regexes heavily.  Since a module or "library"
should not assume things about what kind of programs will use it,
essentially all code should avoid them.  In one-liners without
performance concerns, they are not a problem.

More details are in `perldoc perlvar` and the perl5-porters mailing
list archives.

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