hehe... you could try just doing wholesale changes on a button
tweaking the algorithm each time until it looked like you want :)
  You could also maybe do a nearest neighbor for one or two pixels 
in every direction, to see if you are near a pure blue.

  But the easiest would probably be to go in, sample some of the
anti-aliased colors, and try to work out a rule set based on their 

  No matter what, it's gonna suck :)

On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 09:35:11PM -0400, John Sequeira wrote:
> Anthony R. J. Ball wrote:
> <snip>
> > As for changing image colors, you could do that with imlib2
> >as well... though maybe pixel by pixel. The probalem you may run
> >into is if they have anti-aliased text, which will make wholesale
> >color-swapping difficult.
> >
> Thanks everyone for your suggestions. 
> Using one of the libraries recommended,  I believe I can walk the 
> directory,  load each gif image and then loop through each pixel,  
> changing all solid colors from e.g. blue (0,0,255) to green (0,255,00) .
> But,  as Anthony pointed out,  I will have the problem of the text being 
> antialiased. 
> So if I have a blue button with yellow text,  I know how to transform 
> the blue and yellow to what I want,  but I'll also have a gradient of 
> pixels surrounding them with colors in between blue and yellow.
> Is there a way to figure out what the yellowish or blueish antialiasing 
> pixels should map to in the new graphic?
> Would I have to dig down deep into understanding antialiasing 
> algorithms,  or is there a simpler way to use something like a color 
> wheel/whatever it's RGB analog would be?
> John Sequeira
> http://radio.weblogs.com/0103492/
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