On Tuesday, July 1, 2003 9:03 -0400 Joel Gwynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: David Cantrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's a question of what you're used to, I guess.  IMO emacs's
indentation blows syphilitic goats :-)
What exactly is wrong with emacs's auto-indent?

It does what - IMO - is the wrong thing. I want a consistent amount of indentation from one level of nesting to the next. Every emacs installation I've tried to use, including "fresh out of the box" ones, didn't do that. Instead, it imposes what seem to me to be arbitrary amounts of extraneous whitespace. 20 characters here, 40 there, and so on. Maybe someone swapped it for a python editor without telling me ;-)

The way I want to edit - and the way emacs doesn't want to let me edit - is for the editor to not impose any indentation at all. Rather, it should let me indent and then should automatically indent following lines by the same amount until I tell it to do otherwise.

                                                Are you talking about
perl-mode or cperl-mode, or both?

I neither know nor care. With a decent editing environment I shouldn't have to care. Of course, if people want to make their emacs sing and dance for them that's fine. But the minute that a default install of emacs imposes their singing and dancing on me, it is broken.

It would be better for emacs to do no auto-indentation by default at all, instead of the silliness that it tries to do.

David Cantrell
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