Quoting "Palit, Nilanjan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Apologies for posting this in this forum - but I really need to resolve 
> and don't know where to post this question - any suggestions or pointers 
> any other question/message boards would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm sending an html formatted email (Perl generated) which is being read 
> Outlook. It contains a link to a Windows network drive in the  format:
> <a href="file://NetworkSharedDriveName/path/path1/.../file.gif">Image
> file</a>
> (To stress: please note that this is a file on a shared drive - not a http
> link)
> However, Outlook fails to recognize that as a valid URL.  If I type the 
> same link into IE (the "file://..." piece), it recognizes it &  pulls up 
> image file.

The format looks a little unusual to me. I usually see file: links with 
three forward slashes, so your reference would be "file:///
NetworkSharedDriveName/path/path1/.../file.gif" in the sample you sent. This 
might be part of the issue...

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