>>>>> "CD" == Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  CD> On the other hand, the qq{} format can also be formatted for readability,
  CD> and it doesn't have the quirky start & end syntax:

  CD>     my $sth = qq{
  CD>         DELETE DATA_TM
  CD>         WHERE EXP_ID = $exp_id
  CD>     };

  CD> The fact that the quote terminator doesn't need to be flush with the left
  CD> margin is IMO a big improvement over heredocs.

try that when passing the string to a function call as the first

        foo( qq{

multiline text
        }, $arg2 ) ;


the problem i have with long q/qq strings is finding the closing
delimiter oh so far away. and the above problem is big too.

  CD> This isn't Bourne shell, you can use something nicer than heredocs :)

shell and perl here docs share only a common name and syntax but are
very different animals. shell here docs are input to stdin (written and
read from a temp file no less). perl here docs are just quoted strings.

here docs rool!


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