 My name is Tom McGonagle, and I am the President of the Graduate IT Management 
Association at Bentley College.
 I would like to extend an open invitiation to the Perl Mongers to host any monthly 
meeting or any other event at Bentley College. 
 In addition to Bentley acting as the Boston.com meeting place backup, I would like to 
arrange a Boston.PM meeting. There is significant interest within the Graduate Student 
body in Web Services, and I would like to plan an event hacking the google API with 
perl. It would be a termendous learning oppurtunity for the students, and it would be 
a fun night of perl hackery.
 Please let me know if anyone is interested, or whom I should contact to get the ball 

On April 12, 2004, Chris Devers wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Ron Newman wrote:
> > On Apr 12, 2004, at 10:40 AM, Sean Quinlan wrote:
> >
> > > If Boston.com is not available I do have access to rooms near the T.
> >
> > Why are we no longer able to use Boston.com?  Has everyone there
> > switched to Python or PHP or Ruby?
> It's not necessarily the case that Boston.com can't host meetings, but
> it would be constructive to have a backup venue in mind in case a day
> comes that Boston.com can't or won't be able to help any more.
> Boston.com has been hosting Boston.pm meetings for a while now -- five
> years or something like that? -- and a lot has changed over that much
> time. Like any company, they don't have the same management, staff, or
> needs & resources that they did a few years ago. They seem to have been
> a big Perl shop then; now they use a lot of Zope & Python. A time may
> come that the company decides that hosting the Perl Mongers no longer
> makes sense for them, and I think we should be ready for that.
> Nota bene: I used to work at Boston.com, but haven't worked for them for
> almost a year now, so I don't know what their plans are. My personal
> opinion is that hosting a technical group like this once a month is a
> pretty good arrangement for both sides, but I also know that most of the
> work to keep things going tends to come down to one or two people, and
> it can be a lot of work to pull off. It's a big commitment.
> No one at Boston.com has said anything to me about where things are
> going with Boston.pm, one way or another. I'm just suggesting as a
> regular group member who is aware that we haven't had a meeting in
> months now that it might not be a bad idea to consider venues as a
> supplement to or replacement for Boston.com's conference room.
> -- 
> Chris Devers
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Thomas A. McGonagle
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