On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 19:32 -0500, Bob Rogers wrote:

>    The type safe programming languages instead force you to pre-declare
>    that a variable is a "string" or "integer", and then to invoke a
>    function or method which explicitly converts one to the other, and thus
>    adding "five" to 10 would result in a compile-time error in most cases.
> This conflates "type safety" with "static typing"; type checks can also
> be done at run-time

Yes they can, but I'm speaking to a Java guy here, so I simplified and
abbreviated. Anything else would have taken far too long to explain.

>    Unfortunately, someone who doesn't like Perl is probably going to
> really hate Common Lisp . . .

Not so. I work at a company that uses Common LISP heavily, and I'm
strongly looked down on as "just a Perl programmer".

Someone who doesn't like Perl, and DOES like statically typed languages,
will probably hate Common LISP, but never underestimate the power of a
Common LISP programmer to look down on other languages ;-)

> CPAN would be helped by dynamic type safety.  It probably owes its large
> size to the lack of static typing.

Not really. The size is mostly due to the thousands of packages, and
many versions of each. That's not to say that run-time type checking
would not be a win. I'm psyched about PUGS, as I'm finally looking
forward to a foreseeable future that has Perl 6 in it!

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