On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 23:35:40 +0000, Federico Lucifredi
> Hello Uri,
> >   >> I have a bookish request: does anybody have an editorial contact at
> >   >> O'Reilly I can exchange a few ideas with? I am cooking a proposal
> >   >> for them and I need a few tips here and there.
> >
> >   BT> I'd start with http://www.oreilly.com/oreilly/author/intro.html.
> been there, done that. What I need is someone to talk to *before* I send them 
> the proposal, hence my hope someone might have an editor's email.

How do you feel when you have a nice process in place through
which people are supposed to contact you, and customers keep on
persisting in trying to get direct numbers to inside contacts?  I tend
to get irritated by that, but YMMV.  Maybe a random editor will be
like me, maybe not.

You could lurk on use.perl.org and figure out that it looks like
chromatic and gnat work at O'Reilly.  Then contact them and see
if they're interested in helping you.  You might irritate them, you
might get good advice.  I don't know.

I'm going to guess that they'll tell you to start with
http://www.oreilly.com/oreilly/author/intro.html.  When your
proposal gets there, it doesn't have to be perfect.  If they think
that it has promise, they'll work with you on it.

Note that when I say, "it has promise", I mean that it fits into their
idea of what they want their catalog to look like.  A great idea
for something that they have something pretty close to will lose
to an average proposal for something that they feel is a hole in
their offerings.

> > and contact manning.com as well. they are open to proposals too. if you
> > can't find the contact i should have some info still.
> I will keep that in mind, but right now I think this is such a fit for ORA 
> that I have a hard time thinking of going to another publisher.

ORA may or may not agree.  As I noted, the quality of the idea
is not the only factor in their decision.

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