Palit, Nilanjan said:

~~$> perl -e '$x=1; $y=$x+++1; print "x=$x, y=$y\n"'

Bummer. I just got a ding on your interview.
How do you parse $x+++1 ?




Kinda. The thing is that $x++ ("unitary postfix notation"?) can't really be broken out that way.

It really works more like this:

$x = 1;
$y = $x + 1;
$x = $x + 1;

The $x++ resolves to $x in the context of the expression in
which it's being used, and *after* that bit of processing,
$x gets incremented.

$x = 1;
$y = $x++;

print "\$x = $x; \$y = $y\n";

$x = 2; $y = 1

(And in contrast, the following may be of interest, where
the $x incrementing takes place *before* the rest of the
expression is processed:)

$x = 1;
$y = ++$x;
print "\$x = $x; \$y = $y\n";

$x = 2; $y = 2

But all of that is why I try to avoid using ++ inline in an expression. I know how it works and remember it easily, but it seems a waste of energy to think about, and it's too easy to make a one-off error (did we count the zero or one?) and it really rarely actually improves code or readability in the slightest.

At best, I may use a ++ inside an expression for a debug
print line like:  print ...stuff... unless ($counter++ % 50).
to print something every 50th step.  But, even there - do
I really want $counter++ or would ++$counter make more sense?
(and, of course, did I start counting at zero or one?)


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