On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 00:04 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
> >>>>> "AS" == Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   AS> On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 15:33 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
>   >> >>>>> "AS" == Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   >> see what i do in File::Slurp. i wanted a single error handling sub but
>   >> also to have the croak in there report back from the original call (say
>   >> read_file).
>   AS> Tried that. Problem is File::Copy is the kind of thing that's going to
>   AS> be called often and fast, and there's nothing short of an eval that
>   AS> stops performance dead more than an subroutine call in Perl. Ah, Perl 6,
>   AS> where are you?
> did you do magic goto? it shouldn't be slow at it doesn't touch the
> stack nor mung @_. 

I've tried that. It helps, but sub overhead is still deadly all on its
own, even without stack manipulation.

Annoyingly, now that I go try to test it to see if it's still the same,
I find that goto &foo breaks Benchmark :-(

> i haven't benchmarked that aspect but file::slurp is
> pretty fast. you could do worse than writing file::copy as
>       write_file( $to, read_file( $from ) ) ;

Check out File::Copy. It does basically that. With tons of special
cases, of course, but still. It has a buffer (user-sizable), which it
reads into in a single sysread, and then writes out to the new file,
repeat until done. If you set the buffer size to >= the input file size,
you have a slurp.

>   AS> Like I say, it'll be a (not so) fond memory once P6 takes over the
>   AS> world.
> i am waiting patiently (really!).

I see that nail biting!

Of course, people are starting to make library-writing noises now that
PUGS exists, so P6 can't be THAT far off....

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