On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 14:10, Larry Underhill wrote:
> Worth noting that my perl version on RHEL 3.0 is 5.8.0 (with a pile o'
> patches -- makes sense). Haven't checked out RHEL 4 yet, but I would
> assume that they are running a more recent version since the Fedora Core
> 3 box I am typing this from uses perl 5.8.5.
> Oh, and the real way to answer your question is, "what Aaron said."

Well thanks ;-)

> Getting access to the RHEL SRPMs can be a bit tricky if you don't have a
> RHN account, so would recommend you pull the SRPM from a site like
> CentOS <www.centos.org> (RHEL clone less RH trademarks, etc.).

Yep, the CentOS SRPM should at least be the same base. They do try to
avoid changing things so that RHEN updates still work cleanly. Dunno for
sure, but I think they have a special naming convention if they do
change something.

> > > Red Hat never modifies the base source for a package, they just add
> > > patches to the SRPM which are applied when the RPM is built. There is
> > > also a changelog at the end of the file that details what was done to
> > > this package.

> > What I seem to remember hearing is that the perl5.8.1 that Red Hat
> > distributes is actually different from the official perl5.8.1.  My
> > understanding is that because 5.8.1 was not ready when Red Hat needed it,
> > they took 5.8.0, added a bunch of the available patches, and packaged it as
> > perl5.8.1.  p5p subsequently released the real 5.8.1 with additional
> > patches.

That would be mildly shocking to me (they've done it, but only for
something that they had major input on (gcc), which they don't with

What would be much more likely is that their distribution was based on
an RC, but the only truly definitive resource is the SRPM, and I would
literally fall out of my chair in shock if they so much as breathed on
the tarball inside of it. They'll heap on patches for anything they fix
until / unless it's accepted up-stream, but I've never seen them package
a tar-ball that wasn't virgin.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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