>>>>> "BT" == Ben Tilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  BT> I already indicated reasons to pick a design where synchronous calls
  BT> are not an issue.  An additional reason to avoid cooperative
  BT> multitasking is scaleability - multiple processes allow you to benefit
  BT> from multiple CPUs (both real and virtual), and make the migration to
  BT> multiple machines easier.  A cooperatively multitasked program can
  BT> only use one CPU.  (But cooperative benefits from being able to
  BT> communicate between tasks very directly.  However if you do too much
  BT> of that, it is easy to accidentally introduce race conditions. 
  BT> Particularly if you try to be asynchronous everywhere.)

you can run multiple event loop processes (some would be children that
do blocking ops) on a multiprocessor and gain all the speedup. you can
easily avoid race conditions. actually in a classic event loop, you
can't have them as only one logical thread is ever executing at one
time. so you don't need locks or semaphores. while race conditions can
be avoided, deadlock is another issue but that is an issue no matter the
logic flow paradigm unless you have transactions or similar things.

  BT> My point remains.  Wanting to support a CLI or GUI client does not
  BT> prevent you from using http.  Your suggesting that it does is a red
  BT> herring.

no, i am not. you can do anything with any transport (call them turing
compatible! :). how easy it is becomes the question. using cookies to
overcome the lack of state in http is just not right. sure it can work
but it has all sorts of fun problems as we have all seen. if you follow
your logic to its conclusion, we should all use just http for all the
net (the intarweb rules!). i am saying too much is overloading http and
it is fugly. soap, xmlrpc, torrent (hell, it invented its own simple
protocol and still uses http for something it could do itself. poor
design forces a torrent system to also have a web server built into it)
all (ab)use http.

  BT> Before you disagree with the last, note that I'm counting as overhead
  BT> having to implement asynchronous wheels because you don't like the
  BT> blocking that happens with the synchronous one on CPAN...

i have a germ of an article that will show (hopefully with a working
example) of how to convert a typical sync cpan protocol module to
async. some will convert easier than others though.

  BT> What rounder wheel than DBI do you have to offer me?

not a dbi wheel but the rest of the wheels. and even a dbi wrapper in a
nice round wheel. :)

  BT> [...]
  BT> And this makes anything that I've said any less true?
  >> no, but it shows that threads and events can work together if needed.

  BT> Did I say they couldn't?

no, but i wanted to show they are not total enemies.

  BT> True.  See my above comment about how allowing for the use of
  BT> synchronous pieces is a piece of future-proofing. :-P

where did i say you can't support sync stuff? (same kinda question you
are tossing at me). i just said async is better than sync (if you can do
it) and you can wrap sync in child processes and thereby make them async
(the parent process is still async).

  BT> As for your exact solution, if it works for you, it works.  However
  BT> the benefits that you're getting seem fairly marginal to me. 
  BT> Furthermore if you want high performance in a web environment, both
  BT> reason and experience (my own and that of many others that I know)
  BT> says that middleware servers don't really help scaleability.

and others say otherwise. :)

  BT> Yes, I know that vendors swear the opposite about middleware up and
  BT> down until their faces turn blue.  But those same vendors have a
  BT> vested interest in seeing you buy *more* machines, not less.  And, as
  BT> I say, the examples that I'm personally aware of contradict what
  BT> vendors try to tell you.

most of those are commercial close source bloatware middleware
layers. not even close to what i am talking about. but we will agree to


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