On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 09:35:18AM -0500, Geoff Rowell wrote:
> Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> > 
> >     I've got a project coming up that's going to need me to make graphs.
> > I
> > do not yet know what kind of graph (dot, line, bar, etc.).  But I am told
> > that it needs to be pretty (and probably with multiple colors).  The data
> > needing to be displayed will be anywhere from 5 points, to many thousands
> > of
> > points.  There will be some times where I will need to have multiple
> > datasets (separated by color) set on the same graph, one over the next.
> >     I was thinking of a brute-force way of doing this with associative
> > arrays.  But I was wondering if you all had any better suggestions.  Are
> > there any good, friendly, tested modules for this sort of thing?  Is this
> > a
> > time for Perl tk?  Would this be better off in Java?
> > 
> I usually create data files and shell out to GnuPlot.

That's also what I do for one of my projects.  I tried GD::Graph and
Chart::Graph::Gnuplot and wasn't happy with either.

GD::Graph only allows you to graph two datasets when using two y axes.
Chart::Graph::Gnuplot, which is a wrapper around gnuplot, has an unwieldy
interface and makes it difficult to use some features of gnuplot.

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