On 23 Jun 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 09:23:09AM -0400, Ted Zlatanov wrote: > On 23 Jun 2006, 
>>>> Wasn't there a C grammer for Parse::RecDescent ?
>>> Not that worked.  Damian has acknowledged elsewhere that it shouldn't
>>> have been included.
>> It works for simple cases, and may be adequate for the OP's needs.  I
>> would recommend P::RD, because its grammar definitions are pretty
>> similar to the Perl 6 grammar definitions (it will matter, some day),
>> and because it's pretty good in general.  About the only thing that's
>> hard about it is parsing the error messages, which takes practice.
> I've tried P::RD.  I didn't like it at all.  It seemed to take an awful
> lot of work to define a very simple language ...

That hasn't been my experience.

> ... and I was not impressed by the documentation.
> Next time I need a parser I'll try Parse::Yapp.

I actually found Parse::Yapp's documentation much worse.  P::RD has a
lot of good docs and a FAQ.  While it has shortcomings (speed is a
problem for a lot of people, though for me it hasn't been too bad)
documentation is not one of them.

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