Forwarded from Marsee Henon:

We wanted to give all New Englanders a heads-up that we're having a
second Ignite Boston on Thursday, September 6, from 6 to 10pm at
Hurricane O'Reillys. Yes that's right, Hurricane O'Reillys at 150 Canal
St, Boston, MA. No, it's not Tim's office after FOO Camp. We've picked a
venue that is more acoustically-oriented and should allow everyone to
hear what's going on. And we are planning to mix-up the format a little.
There will be some short "launches," followed by lightning talks, and a
couple of other ideas that we will inform you of in the coming weeks.
Let's show our tech colleagues around the country that Boston/Cambridge
have a vibrant tech community that gets involved in talking about cool
new technologies and ideas. Not to mention that it's a social event to
get to know other developers in the area.

If you plan to attend, email IgniteBoston at oreilly dot com for the
chance to win $300 worth of O'Reilly books of your choosing. You must be
present to win.

If you are interested in connecting with some of the folks who attended
the first Ignite Boston, we have a social network set up for this
purpose. You can reach our Crowdvine network here:

Another reason we wanted to announce this event this early, is so those
of you who would like speak for five minutes on something cool, new, or
exciting you can get into the queue sooner rather than later. Please
submit your ideas or proposal here:

Presentation Guidelines

* Be no longer than 5 minutes. 
* Be on an innovative topic (no sales pitches, please!). 
* Be viewable on a PC [a MacBook Pro with Powerpoint,
  Keynote/has remote control, and PDF] with standard AV equipment.

For anyone that's never been to Ignite, you may find it useful to see a
talk or two. Here's a link to a good examplefrom an Ignite:

Thanks for your help,

Marsee Henon

1005 Gravenstein Highway North  
Sebastopol, CA   95472
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